Der neunte Welttag für das Ende der Fischerei und der Wassertierhaltung findet am 29. März 2025 statt!

An diesem neunten Welttag rufen wir erneut zur Abschaffung von Fischerei und Wassertierhaltung auf. Fische, Krustentiere und Kopffüßer stehen im Mittelpunkt des WEF-Anliegens, da sie den größten Anteil der vom Menschen getöteten Tiere ausmachen, der sich auf Tausende von Milliarden Opfer pro Jahr beläuft. Prangern Sie am 29. März 2025 gemeinsam mit uns dieses ungerechte Massaker durch Proteste, Konferenzen, Happenings und vieles mehr an!

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Im Jahr 2025 angekündigte Veranstaltungen

Worldwide / online

29.03 Digital activism by Beyond Carnism


Online | 29.03 Digital activism by Woordenwalvis


Online | 29.03 Digital activism by Fundación Veg
Santiago | 29.03 Protest by Santiago Animal Save


Dortmund | 29.03 Protest by Peta Deutschland
Essen | 29.03 Protest by Peta Deutschland
Hamburg | 25.03 Protest by Peta Deutschland | 29.03 Outreach by Animal Rights Watch e.V.PETAActive Vegans
Hannover | 29.03 Protest by ARIWA
Kaiserslautern | 29.03 Protest by Peta Deutschland
Koblenz | 22.03 Protest by ARIWA | 29.03 Protest by Peta Deutschland
Memmingen | 22.03 Protest by Peta Deutschland
Nürnberg | 12.04 Protest by ARIWA
Potsdam | 27.03 Protest by Peta Deutschland
Rostock | 26.03 Protest by Peta Deutschland
Stralsund | 29.03 Protest by Peta Deutschland
Stuttgart | 22.03 Protest by Peta Deutschland
Tübingen | 29.03 Protest by Peta Deutschland
Wismar | 25.03 Protest by Peta Deutschland
Wunstorf | 28.03 Protest by ARIWA



Online | 29.03 Reel by Futur Asso | 29.03 Artikel by Association Stéphane Lamart | 02.04 Unterstützungsraid by Projet Méduses
Angers | 29.03 Happening by 269 Life France
Aubenas | 27.03 Stickering by Projet Méduses
Bar le Duc | 29.03 Leafletting by Parti animaliste
Bordeaux | 29.03 Info booth by Révolution Écologique pour le Vivant
Guéret | 29.03 Stickering by Projet Méduses
Lille | 29.03 Protest by L214
Montpellier | 29.03 Protest by Alliance EthiqueOne VoiceSète Animal SaveWe The FreeL214
Nantes | 29.03 Info booth by Parti animaliste
Paris | 29.03 Leafletting by Révolution Écologique pour le Vivant | 29.03 Stickering by Projet Méduses | 29.03 Protest by L214
Périgueux | 22.03 Stickering by Projet Méduses | 29.03 Leafletting by Parti Animaliste
Saint Nazaire | 29.03 Info booth by 269 Life France
Saint-Raphaël | 29.03 Protest by L214One VoiceParti Animaliste - Var
Strasbourg | 29.03 Stickering by 269 Life France


Athen | 29.03 Protest by Vegan Life NGO


Bengaluru | 29.03 Outreach by Bengaluru Brigade for Animal Liberation
Goa | 29.03 Outreach by Goa Animal Liberation Movement
Lucknow | 28.03 Talk by Nature Club Foundation
New Delhi | 29.03 Outreach by Animal Save India


Denpasar | 29.03 Poster campaign by Animals Don't Speak Human


Tel-Aviv | 28.03 Outreach by individual activists



Online | 29.03 Digital activism by Brigada Animal México
Guadalajara | 28.03 Workshop by Animales y Praxis


Salzburg | 18.03 Info booth by VGT, Team Salzburg


Lima | 29.03 Happening by NALI / Nada en LibertadLima Animal Save


Coimbra | 29.03 Protest by Coimbra Animal Save
Lisbon | 29.03 Protest by Acção Directa

Puerto Rico

Online | 29.03 Video by Casa Vegana


Zurich | 29.03 Info booth by individual activists


Online | 29.03 Video by Animals' View | 29.03 Video by Partido Animalista Con el Medio Ambiente (PACMA)
Madrid | 29.03 Protest by Madrid Animal Save
Mexico | 29.03 Protest by DxE Ciudad de México

Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika

Baltimore | 29.03 Leafletting by Fish Feel
St-Louis | 29.03 Protest by Project Animal Freedom

Vereinigtes Königreich

Online | 25.03 Digital activism by Animal Aid
Aberdeen | 29.03 Leafletting by Vegan Outreach Scotland

Ausgabe 2024

Für 2024, 197 Aktionen wurden von 130 Organisationen in 26 Ländern durchgeführt.

Eine Auswahl von Videos der Aktionen 2024

Video on aquatic animals, by Animal Friends Jogja (Indonesia)

Video on aquatic animals, by Sinergia Animal Thailand

Outreach in Busan, by VegPeace NGO (Korea)

Outreach in Mumbai, by India Animal Save

Workshop in Mexico City, by Red Veganas Antiespecistas

Workshop in Mexico City, by Red Veganas Antiespecistas (Mexico)

Infographic by Red Veganas Antiespecistas (Mexico)

Infographic on fishing and fish farming, by Swissveg (Switzerland)

Video on fish sentience, by the Humane League UK

Video on fish sentience, by the Humane League UK

Video on fishing and fish farming, by AgireOra (Italy)

Video on fishing and fish farming, by Valencia AS (Spain)

Video on a crab’s sentience, by Valencia AS (Spain)

Video on a scorpion fish's sentience, by Valencia AS (Spain)

Video on fishing and fish farming, by PACMA (Spain)

Protest in Madrid, by Madrid Animal Save (Spain)

Protest in Utrecht, by Bite Back NL (Netherlands)

Protest in Kloblenz, by ARIWA (Germany)

Protest in Brandon, by Brandon AS & Manitoba AS (Canada)

Video on fish farming, by Animal Equality (International)

Protest in Besançon, by L214 (France)

Collage in Strasbourg, by 269 Life France

Stencilling in Strasbourg, by 269 Life France

Street interviews, by Futur Asso (France)

Video on fish farming and sea lice, by Futur Asso (France)

Video on fishing and fish farming, by AJAS (France)

Video on fishing and fish farming, by Projet Méduses (France)

Video clip ”30 heures”, by Réplique Éthique (France)

Video on fishing and fish farming, by REV (France)

Infographic on aquatic animals, by AVF (France)

Eine Auswahl von Fotos der Aktionen 2024

Veranstaltungen im Jahr 2024

- Video , Digitaler Aktivismus , Digitaler Aktivismus in Online - Australien - Digitaler Aktivismus , Digitaler Aktivismus in Online - Belgien - Digitaler Aktivismus , Digitaler Aktivismus in Online - Brasilien - Protest in Rio de Janeiro , Ausstellung , Seminar , Protest , Protest in Saõ Paulo - Dänemark - Video projection , Verkostung pflanzliche Alternativen in Slagelse - Deutschland - Artikel , Digitaler Aktivismus , Digitaler Aktivismus in Online , Protest in Berlin , Protest in Düsseldorf , Info booth in Göttingen , Protest in Hamburg , Protest in Hannover , Protest in Kaiserslautern , Protest in Koblenz , Protest in Nürnberg , Protest in Saarbrücken , Protest in Stuttgart - Finnland - Protest in Tampere - Frankreich - Digitaler Aktivismus , Digitaler Aktivismus , Podcast-Episode , Video , Video , Podcast-Episode , Instagram-Karussells , Digitaler Aktivismus , Digitaler Aktivismus , Video , Video , Video , Unterstützungsraid in Online , Protest in Amiens , Protest in Angers , Protest in Antibes , Info booth , Talk in Besançon , Protest in Boulogne-sur-Mer , Happening in Chartres , Info booth in Montpellier , Happening in Nantes , Happening in Paris , Info booth , Info booth in Rennes , Collage in Straßburg , Protest in Toulouse - Indien - Reel in Online , Vigil in Auroville , Outreach in Mumbai , Vigil in Sasaram - Indonesien - Video in Online , Leafletting in Yogyakarta - Irland - Digitaler Aktivismus in Online - Italien - Digitaler Aktivismus in Online - Japan - Digitaler Aktivismus in Online - Kanada - Digitaler Aktivismus (Artikel) in Online , Protest in Edmonton, Alberta , Info booth in Montreal, Québec , Happening in Toronto, Ontario , Outreach in Winnipeg, Manitoba - Kroatien - Digitaler Aktivismus in Online - Mexiko - Digitaler Aktivismus in Online , Info booth in Guadalajara , Protest , Collage in Mexiko-Stadt - Niederlande - Digitaler Aktivismus in Online , Talk , Verkostung pflanzliche Alternativen in Arnhem , Protest in Utrecht - Österreich - Info booth in Baden (bei Wien) , Happening in Bregenz , Protest in Gmünd (Niederösterreich) , Info booth in Graz , Happening in Innsbruck , Info booth in Klagenfurt , Poster campaign in Salzburg , Info booth in Wien - Portugal - Protest in Coimbra , Protest in Lissabon - Russland - Digitaler Aktivismus in Online - Schweiz - Digitaler Aktivismus , Digitaler Aktivismus , Digitaler Aktivismus in Online , Protest in Lugano - Somalia - Veröffentlichung in Online - Spanien - Video , Digitaler Aktivismus , Digitaler Aktivismus , Digitaler Aktivismus in Online , Happening in Dénia , Protest in Madrid , Protest in Tazacorte , Protest in Valencia - Südkorea - Outreach in Busan - Thailand - Reel in Online - Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika - Protest in Alhambra, Kalifornien , Leafletting in Baltimore , Outreach in Beaverton, Oregon , Protest in Boulder, Colorado , Outreach in Dallas, Texas , Protest in East Peoria, Illinois , Video projection in Eatonville, Florida , Leuchtende Botschaft in Las Vegas, Nevada , Protest in Norfolk, Virginia , Protest in Pompano Beach, Florida , Info booth in Shrewsbury, Missouri , Outreach in Siesta Key, Florida , Protest in Virginia Beach, Virginia - Vereinigtes Königreich - Digitaler Aktivismus , Video in Online , Protest in Manchester

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