Uwaga : znajdują się państwo na stronie która jest tylko częściowo przetłumaczona na język polski. Informacje tutaj zawarte, nie są kompletne ani aktualne. Prosimy uprzejmie o konsultację angielskiej wersji jeśli jest taka możliwość. Informujemy państwa, że szukamy tłumaczow, jesli sa panstwo zainteresowani i mają ochotę nam pomóc, prosimy o kontakt na info@end-of-fishing.org.
Zasoby / Linki
Recently launched (for the 2022 edition of WoDES):
This website is intended to be a tool and a space for reflection to help fight the cultural battle against speciesism. On this website will be published important texts of the anti-speciesist movement, in the hope that it can contribute to the development of a world movement for the end of speciesism.
Below, you will find some other interesting links:
Aquatic animals, fishing, aquaculture farms
- Joan Dunayer, "Fish: Sensitivity Beyond the Captor’s Grasp", originally published in The Animals' Agenda, July/Aug. 1991, pp. 12-13, 15-18, reprinted with the author's permission, September 2015
- "Why focus on fish?", by Fish Welfare Initiative
- The article "Fishing", on the Animal Ethics website
- Review of the Evidence of Sentience in Cephalopod Molluscs and Decapod Crustaceans by a research group on sentience from the London School of Economics
- Quiz "What fish are you?", by Essere Animali
- CIWF, "Octopus factory farming: a recipe for disaster"
- Meat Abolition (by Estiva Reus & Antoine Comiti)
- Abolition as the most realistic solution (by Antoine Comiti)
- Marches for the closing down of all slautherhouses
- Meatabolition.org (World campaigns for the abolition of meat)
Associations or foundations focused on aquatic animals
- Aquatic Animal Alliance
- Aquatic Life Institute
- Crustacean Compassion
- Fish Count
- Fish Feel
- Fish Welfare Initiative
- Sea Shepherd
- Shrimp Welfare Project